Table of Friends Event: August 28, 2019

The attendees listen as Richard Chisholm presented about estate planning.
Board member Helaine Resnick chats with Resource Center Associate, Penlope Kwarikunda
Board of Directors Vice-Chair Jeremy Rosner kicked of the evening’s program

Our Table of Friends are a special group of individual donors that contribute $1,000 or more to support our mission every year. Each year, we have a small event to thank them, and also get a chance to meet them and hear about their connection to Shepherd’s Table.

This year, we held the event at 8250 Georgia, a new apartment building a few blocks from Shepherd’s Table. A special thanks to Melissa Barnwell, who provided the space for free!

The event had food/drinks, a chance to meet other like-minded individuals, and an opportunity for our donors to meet the new Executive Director, Manny Hidalgo. We also invited Richard Chisholm, of WardChisholm, LLP to speak about the many ways of giving to charities through estate planning and planned giving. We all walked away with good information, and thank him for his presentation.

Interested in learning more about Table of Friends and how to become a member? Contact Scott Davison, [email protected] or 301-585-6463 x7.

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